Friday, February 15, 2008

Crystals on Cement

I was walking out to my little room to have a cigarette the other day, and I noticed that some of the rain water that had come into the garage was starting to freeze and crystallize. I had never seen crystals like this on cement; it was like frost on a window, only the patterns were much bigger. So I grabbed a camera and took some photographs. I included a quarter in one of the photos, to give a sense of proportion.

This one shows some of the circular crystals that formed:

Seeing water crystals always amazes me. I marvel at nature's ability to produce such beauty.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Another Step on the Spiritual Path

I apologize for the lack of entries lately. I've been confused and contemplative, and not really on "output" mode.

I went to see a psychic for the first time on Thursday.

I understand that there are many people who dismiss the notion of psychic abilities; just one year ago I was one of them. However, over the past year my views gradually shifted after reading about seemingly credible experiences or descriptions of psychic phenomena. I was really curious, and figured this would be a good time to give a psychic a chance, and see what would come of it.

Since she is also a medium, she is able to contact people who have died, and also our spirit guides.

We sat down, and she said that my father was coming through. Then, right away she said, "Who is David?"

I raised my eyebrows and said, "That's my brother."

She said that my father was acknowledging him, and saying that David had a pain in his right leg, perhaps a pulled thigh muscle. I have not spoken to David since the reading, so I have not yet verified that.

I am not going to attempt to convince any skeptics of my experience. But the mention of my brother was the first of a few instances that she showed her abilities as a psychic medium.

I felt it to be a valid experience with a medium that allowed me to communicate with my father and my spirit guides. The next day I was feeling pretty good, and I realized it was not only the details of the experience that mattered to me... it was having somebody acknowledge me as a spiritual being... which has not happened in a long, long time. I felt more spiritual worth, more connected to my spiritual self.

By Saturday some of these feelings had worn off, and I experienced a sort of spiritual hangover. I felt my disconnect from spirit more acutely, as I now knew what was missing.

The whole experience has left me with a longing to be more connected to my higher, spiritual self.

I am aware that this whole post may seem "out there" to many people. Yet this experience was meaningful for me, and I wanted to write about it.


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